Friday, January 19, 2007

Another side

I've been feeling a little dishonest by posting photographs which show only a certain side of Taiwan and hide another. There is much beauty in Taiwan culturally, as well as with the natural landscape. Many of the people here are the kindest, most selfless and helpful I have know. I don't "buy into" the rumor that their kindness is based entirely in honor and gaining "face" -- any more than with any other society. I have seen their actions come from the heart. There is great beauty here that goes beyond what one can see with the eyes. But it would be deceptive to show only one side and not the other... almost as if I showed you the clean hand and hid the dirty one behind my back. Most cities, and countries have a mix. Taiwan is no different. I want to remember it all. I want to remember more than just the majestic mountains, breath taking bamboo forests, incredible sunsets and awe inspiring views. I also want to remember the beggars on the streets, crumbling shacks and the relics of a not so distant oppressive past. Forgive the blurry photo taken from the window of a train speeding past a typical street in one of the towns along the north bound route of the railroad from Chiayi. I posted it here because it speaks volumes.....
Among other things you will see here are a bus schedule, billboards for upcoming movies, a woman beggar on the edge of the street in downtown Chiayi, two old men at Lantan Lake engrossed in physical labor and a building in Chiayi. And I have just added 3 more photos from the old Chiayi Prison which I visited in autumn.

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